NSW Challenge Completed!


My first, and maybe my last, SOLO long distance challenge.  Nevertheless, I did it!  And in great time.

I chose this challenge because the medal design was soo amazing and I also knew I would never get to Australia.

1,130 miles of indoor and outdoor cycling, steps, and walk/runs at the gym.
30 postcards received
14 local spots viewed
5 real trees planted

Books read:  Daughter of Australia by Harmony Verna, The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline 

Lesson learned:  I've found for me personally my attention span is about 4 months to complete a challenge.  To take longer as in over a year, for some people, diminishes my joy in its completion.  I will still choose the longer distance option when offered in a challenge, but I will seek out a team or add on a "tailwind" to finish it sooner :)  Some people add a "headwind" to make a challenge last longer.  Not me.

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